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Asbestway Abatement Corp

132 Washington Ave asbestway abatement corp asbestwayabatementcorp brooklyn washington ave remediaci del sitioservicios ecol gicos clinton hill environmental services site remediation & ecological consultants remediación sitio de servicios ambientales экологические услуги исправление участка 环境服务 现场整治 consultores y ecológicos и консультанты 环境和生态顾问 132 11205 0 services site

NYC Lead Abatement & Inspection

190 hewes st
  • 24 Hour Service 
  • Results available within the same day upon request.
  • free HPD, DOH violation removal



nyc lead abatement & inspection nycleadabatementinspection brooklyn hewesconsultores ambientales ecol gicos detecci eliminaci npintura plomo del edificiolimpieza mica williamsburg environmental ecological consultants paint detection removal property maintenance building chemical cleaning industrial consultores y ecológicos экологические и консультанты 环境和生态顾问 detección eliminación de pintura обнаружение удаление свинцовой краски 铅涂料检测和清除 mantenimiento la propiedad обслуживание имущества 物业维修 edificio техническое здания 建筑维修 limpieza química химическая чистка промышленная 化学清洁工业 190 hewes st 11211 2 cleaning industrial

Asbestways Service

132 Washington Ave asbestways service asbestwaysservice serviceclinton hillabatement brooklyn washington ave reducci ambiental clinton hill environmental abatement reducción экологическая борьба 环境减排 132 11205 0

Big Apple Asbestos Removal

1630 Ocean Ave big apple asbestos removal bigappleasbestosremoval brooklynocean ave restauraci nda reducci ambiental midwood damage restoration environmental abatement restauración de daños восстановление повреждений 损坏恢复 reducción экологическая борьба 环境减排 brooklyn 1630 ocean 11230 0

JMAT Management Consultants, Inc.

1008 Winthrop St "We build for a sustainable future" jmat management consultants inc jmatmanagementconsultants inc consultants inc jmatmanagementconsultants east clients locatednew jersey with branchyork subsurface contamination hygienesafetyosha sustainability philadelfia filadelfia filadelphia ingenieros ecol gicosorganizaciones ambientales conservacionistas gicas consultor pruebasasbesto calidad consultores flatbush environmental & ecological engineers conservation organizations asbestos consulting testing quality control ecológicos экологические инженеры 生态工程师 organizaciones y ecológicas природоохранные и организации 环境,保护和生态组织 consultoría pruebas de asbesto консалтинг тестирование асбеста 石棉咨询和测试 контроль качества консультанты 质量控制和顾问 环境和生态顾问 brooklyn 1008 winthrop st is a full service and firm which serves nationally our corporate headquarters are located in new branch offices york philadelphia pennsylvania the following areas â« surveys abatement monitoring lead based paint phased site assessments investigations indoor air services industrial hygiene health safety programs osha compliance hazardous materials waste underground storage tank training construction 11212 0 environmental firm nationally jersey brooklyn philadelphia pennsylvania areas â« lead based hygiene

Easy, Inc.

1133 Broadway Suite 706 Asbestos, Lead, Indoor Air Quality, Soil - Testing, Monitoring and Removal easy inc easy inc easy inc easyincinc contaminateddetecci eliminaci npintura plomo consultor pruebas asbesto consultores ambientales ecol gicos serviciosprueba suelo bushwick environmental & ecological consultants lead paint detection removal asbestos consulting testing services soil detección y eliminación de pintura обнаружение и удаление свинцовой краски 铅涂料检测和清除 consultoría консалтинг тестирование асбеста 石棉咨询和测试 ecológicos экологические консультанты 环境和生态顾问 servicios услуги по обнаружению удалению 石棉检测和清除服务 prueba испытание почвы 土壤测试 brooklyn 1133 broadway suite 706 air monitoring abatement inspections and acp 5s contaminated non 11221 0 monitoring abatement 5s removal contaminated non contaminated

Ben Rottenstein Associates

56 Willoughby St ben rottenstein associates benrottensteinassociates jaffaconsulting copies issued violation notices prepares necessary documentsrequired affidavits dismissal violationsschedules inspections meetingsinspectors workscompliance regulationsagencies exemptionbenefit programslocation consultores raicescorredor ces gesti inmobiliaria downtown real estate consultants agents buyer brokers management inmobiliarios консультанты по недвижимости 房地产顾问 agentes de bienes raices риелторы 房地产经纪人 corredor raíces брокеры покупателя 房地产买方经纪人 gestión управление недвижимостью 房地产管理 brooklyn 56 willoughby st is a part of jack jaffa & which consulting firm also operates lead investigation company provides assistance with paint issues offers research services for the existing documents and required violations it schedules meetings department inspectors works in compliance regulations various agencies such as buildings fire environmental control board that specializes fields tax exemption abatement benefit programs has location n y 11201 0 associates firm company issues notices violations inspectors agencies buildings board programs brooklyn n y

Apex Mold Specialists

1717 E 48th St Have a mold problem? We can help. Get a free consultation today! apex mold specialists apexmoldspecialists systemsconsulting brooklynresidential followepa industrywe arehelping valued nda por agua remediaci moho fuego sistemas bacterias prueba moldes consultor flatlands water damage restoration remediation fire & bacteria control systems testing consulting restauración de daños восстановление водного повреждения 水损害恢复 remediación плесени 霉菌修复 y огня и воды 火灾和水损害恢复 системы контроля бактерий 细菌控制系统 consultoría литье под давлением консалтинг 模具检测和咨询 brooklyn 1717 e 48th st our professional staff is equipped to handle and services from small residential clients commercial facilities as well technicians have gone through extensive training diligently follow the epa industry guidelines we are committed helping discover document understand indoor air quality related issues now providing a full comprehensive report for legal or non team consists of phd certified inspectors environmental scientists abatement 11234 home service 0 well guidelines discover document issues phd inspectors technicians

Prime Aire Mold Services

7713 17th Ave prime aire mold services primeairemoldservices ave york jerseyconnecticut honesty integrity knowledgeable growingnortheast nda por agua remediaci moho contratistas generales prueba moldes consultor yorktri bensonhurst water damage restoration remediation general contractors testing & consulting restauración de daños восстановление водного повреждения 水损害恢复 remediación плесени 霉菌修复 генеральные подрядчики 总承包商 y consultoría литье под давлением и консалтинг 模具检测和咨询 brooklyn 7713 17th primeaire has earned the honor of being named most trusted inspection company in new jersey and connecticut tri state region when reliability are important – call for your assessment is a leading environmental professional residential commercial indoor air quality service specializing art inspections contaminants our certified staff committed to unsurpassed customer satisfaction growing be northeast leader science microbial abatement 11214 home other repair shop 5 york tri state region reliability assessment inspection connecticut state of the art contaminants satisfaction consulting abatement